Greenland news 2018

Here are some notable news stories from Greenland in 2018:

  1. Record-breaking heat wave: Greenland experienced a record-breaking heat wave in July 2018, with temperatures reaching as high as 24°C (75°F) in some areas. This was the highest temperature ever recorded in Greenland, and it had significant impacts on the country's ice sheet and glaciers.
  2. Climate change impacts: 2018 was another year of significant climate change impacts in Greenland. The country's ice sheet continued to melt at an alarming rate, with some areas losing up to 10% of their ice cover. This had significant implications for sea levels and global weather patterns.
  3. Tourism boom: Greenland saw a significant increase in tourism in 2018, with over 80,000 visitors arriving in the country. This was a record number, and it brought in significant revenue for the country's economy.
  4. New government formed: In June 2018, a new government was formed in Greenland, led by Prime Minister Kim Kielsen. The government pledged to prioritize climate change, economic development, and social welfare.
  5. Mining controversy: 2018 saw controversy surrounding mining in Greenland, with some critics arguing that the country's natural resources were being exploited too quickly and without sufficient environmental safeguards.
  6. Arctic Council meeting: Greenland hosted the Arctic Council's biennial meeting in May 2018, which brought together leaders from the eight Arctic countries to discuss issues such as climate change, sustainable development, and environmental protection.
  7. Iceberg breaks off: In August 2018, a massive iceberg broke off from the Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland, causing concerns about the impact on global sea levels.
  8. New research on ice cores: Scientists from the University of Copenhagen and the National Ice Core Laboratory in Greenland published research in 2018 on ice cores extracted from the country's ice sheet. The research provided new insights into the Earth's climate history and the impact of human activities on the environment.
  9. Greenland's economy grows: Despite challenges posed by climate change, Greenland's economy grew in 2018, driven by increased tourism and mining activity.
  10. International cooperation: Greenland continued to strengthen its international relationships in 2018, with agreements signed with countries such as Denmark, Canada, and the United States on issues such as climate change, trade, and security.

These are just a few of the notable news stories from Greenland in 2018. The country continues to face significant challenges related to climate change, but it is also working to develop its economy and strengthen its international relationships.