Green news ireland

Here are some recent green news stories from Ireland:

  1. Ireland sets ambitious climate targets: Ireland has set a target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 7% per year from 2021 to 2030, in an effort to meet its commitment to the Paris Agreement. (Source: The Irish Times)
  2. Wind power generates record amount of electricity: Ireland's wind farms generated a record 12.1 TWh of electricity in 2020, equivalent to powering over 2.5 million homes. (Source: Wind Energy Ireland)
  3. Electric vehicle sales surge: Electric vehicle sales in Ireland have increased by 50% in the past year, with over 10,000 EVs sold in 2020. (Source: The Irish Times)
  4. Ireland to ban single-use plastics: The Irish government has announced plans to ban single-use plastics such as straws, stirrers, and cutlery from 2023. (Source: The Irish Independent)
  5. New renewable energy projects announced: Several new renewable energy projects have been announced in Ireland, including a €100 million wind farm in County Tipperary and a €50 million solar farm in County Cork. (Source: The Irish Times)
  6. Ireland's carbon emissions fall: Ireland's carbon emissions fell by 3.5% in 2020, driven by a decline in energy consumption and an increase in renewable energy generation. (Source: The Irish Times)
  7. Government launches climate action plan: The Irish government has launched a new climate action plan, which includes measures to increase the use of electric vehicles, improve energy efficiency, and promote sustainable agriculture. (Source: The Irish Times)
  8. Ireland's first community-owned wind farm opens: Ireland's first community-owned wind farm has been opened in County Galway, with 20 local residents investing in the project. (Source: The Irish Times)
  9. New recycling facilities to be built: The Irish government has announced plans to build new recycling facilities in several locations around the country, in an effort to increase recycling rates and reduce waste. (Source: The Irish Independent)
  10. Ireland's biodiversity strategy launched: The Irish government has launched a new biodiversity strategy, which aims to protect and conserve the country's natural habitats and species. (Source: The Irish Times)

These are just a few examples of the many green news stories from Ireland. The country is making significant progress in reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable development.