Green environment new york bans use of plastic bags

That's not entirely accurate. While New York State has taken steps to reduce plastic bag waste, it has not completely banned the use of plastic bags.

In 2019, New York State passed a law that requires retailers to charge a 5-cent fee for single-use plastic bags. The law aims to reduce the use of plastic bags and encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags instead. The fee is intended to encourage customers to opt for reusable bags and reduce the number of plastic bags used.

However, the law does not completely ban the use of plastic bags. Retailers are still allowed to provide plastic bags for free or for a fee, as long as they comply with the 5-cent fee requirement.

It's worth noting that some cities and towns in New York State have implemented their own plastic bag bans or fees, but these are local ordinances and not statewide laws.

New York State's efforts to reduce plastic bag waste are part of a broader effort to address environmental concerns and reduce waste. The state has also implemented other initiatives to reduce plastic waste, such as banning single-use plastic straws and utensils in certain settings.

Here are some key points about New York State's plastic bag law: