Greek new testament pdf

Here are a few options for downloading a Greek New Testament (NT) PDF:

  1. SBL Greek New Testament: The Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) offers a free PDF download of the Greek New Testament, edited by Barbara Aland, Kurt Aland, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, and Bruce M. Metzger. Download
  2. Greek New Testament (UBS4): The United Bible Societies (UBS) offers a free PDF download of the Greek New Testament, edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren. [Download]( resources/ greek-new-testament-ubs4/)
  3. Greek New Testament (NA28): The Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament (NA28) is a widely used and respected edition. You can purchase a PDF copy from the German Bible Society or download a sample chapter from their website. [Download sample chapter]( products/na28-greek-new-testament/)
  4. Greek New Testament (Tischendorf): The Tischendorf edition is an older edition of the Greek New Testament, but still widely used. You can download a PDF copy from various online sources, such as this website.

Please note that some of these options may require registration or have limitations on use. Additionally, there may be other editions and translations of the Greek New Testament available in PDF format, so be sure to check the copyright and usage rights before downloading.