Greece blocks 10000 migrants at turkey border

I think there may be some misinformation here. Greece has not blocked 10,000 migrants at the Turkey border. In fact, Greece has been a major entry point for migrants and asylum seekers attempting to reach Europe, particularly from Turkey.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in 2020, Greece received over 90,000 asylum applications, with the majority coming from Turkey. Many of these individuals are fleeing conflict, persecution, and poverty in their home countries.

Greece has been criticized for its handling of the migrant crisis, with allegations of pushbacks, detention, and poor living conditions for migrants and asylum seekers. The country has also been accused of not providing adequate protection and support to those seeking asylum.

It's worth noting that the European Union has been working to address the migrant crisis, including through the implementation of the EU-Turkey migration deal in 2016. This deal aimed to reduce the number of migrants arriving in Greece by increasing cooperation with Turkey to prevent irregular migration and to provide support to migrants who are returned to Turkey.

In recent years, Greece has also been working to improve its asylum system and provide more support to migrants and asylum seekers. However, the situation remains complex and challenging, and there is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding the best way to address the migrant crisis.