Graphic news reuters

You're looking for graphic news from Reuters. Here are some recent examples:

Warning: Some of these stories may contain disturbing images or descriptions

  1. Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Reuters has been reporting on the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, including graphic images of destruction, casualties, and humanitarian crises.
  2. Syrian Civil War: The Syrian Civil War has been a source of graphic news, including images of bombed-out cities, mass graves, and the aftermath of chemical attacks.
  3. Yemen Conflict: The conflict in Yemen has resulted in widespread humanitarian crises, including graphic images of malnutrition, cholera outbreaks, and airstrikes.
  4. Ebola Outbreak: Reuters has reported on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, including graphic images of patients, medical staff, and the aftermath of the outbreak.
  5. Hurricane Dorian: The devastating hurricane that hit the Bahamas in 2019 resulted in graphic images of destruction, flooding, and loss of life.
  6. Tornadoes and Natural Disasters: Reuters has reported on various natural disasters, including tornadoes, hurricanes, and wildfires, which have resulted in graphic images of destruction and loss of life.
  7. Mass Shootings: Reuters has reported on mass shootings around the world, including graphic images of the aftermath and victims.
  8. Refugee Crisis: The global refugee crisis has resulted in graphic images of overcrowding, poverty, and violence, including reports from refugee camps and border crossings.
  9. Pandemics: Reuters has reported on various pandemics, including COVID-19, which has resulted in graphic images of hospitalizations, ventilators, and the aftermath of the outbreak.
  10. War Crimes: Reuters has reported on war crimes and human rights abuses around the world, including graphic images of torture, executions, and other forms of violence.

Please note that some of these stories may contain disturbing images or descriptions, and viewer discretion is advised.