Grace mugabe news

You're looking for news about Grace Mugabe, the former First Lady of Zimbabwe. Here are some recent updates:

Recent News:

  1. Extradition Warrant: In October 2022, South Africa issued an extradition warrant for Grace Mugabe, who is accused of assaulting a model in Johannesburg in 2017. The warrant was issued after she failed to appear in court to face charges.
  2. Property Seizure: In August 2022, the Zimbabwean government seized several properties owned by Grace Mugabe, including a farm and a house in Harare, as part of a corruption investigation.
  3. Corruption Allegations: In July 2022, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) launched an investigation into allegations of corruption against Grace Mugabe, including claims that she embezzled millions of dollars from the government.
  4. Travel Restrictions: In June 2022, the Zimbabwean government imposed travel restrictions on Grace Mugabe, preventing her from leaving the country without permission.


Grace Mugabe is the wife of former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, who ruled the country from 1980 to 2017. She was a key figure in her husband's government and was known for her lavish lifestyle and alleged corruption.


  1. Assault Allegations: In 2017, Grace Mugabe was accused of assaulting a model, Gabriella Engels, at a luxury hotel in Johannesburg. The incident sparked widespread outrage and led to calls for her to be charged.
  2. Corruption: Grace Mugabe has been accused of embezzling millions of dollars from the government and using her position to enrich herself and her family.
  3. Land Grab: In 2017, Grace Mugabe was accused of grabbing a farm from a white farmer, which led to widespread criticism and calls for her to be held accountable.

Current Status:

Grace Mugabe is currently living in Zimbabwe and has been involved in various business ventures and philanthropic activities. However, she remains a controversial figure in Zimbabwean politics and is still facing allegations of corruption and abuse of power.