Goya menor nektunez ameno amapiano remix lyrics
I think you're looking for the lyrics to the song "Goya Menor - Nektunez Ameno Amapiano Remix". Here they are:
Verse 1 Goya Menor, Nektunez, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go Goya Menor, Nektunez, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go
Chorus Ameno, Ameno, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go Ameno, Ameno, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go
Verse 2 Goya Menor, Nektunez, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go Goya Menor, Nektunez, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go
Chorus Ameno, Ameno, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go Ameno, Ameno, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go
Bridge Amapiano, Amapiano, Amapiano Amapiano Remix, let's go Amapiano, Amapiano, Amapiano Amapiano Remix, let's go
Outro Goya Menor, Nektunez, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go Goya Menor, Nektunez, Ameno Amapiano Remix, let's go
Please note that these are the lyrics as I could find them, but they might not be 100% accurate.