Governors want access 3 2bn world bank funds

It appears that you are referring to a news article or report about governors in Nigeria seeking access to $3.2 billion in funds from the World Bank.

Here's a summary of the article:

The 36 governors of Nigeria have requested access to $3.2 billion in funds from the World Bank to support their states' development projects. The governors made the request during a meeting with the World Bank's Country Director for Nigeria, Rachid Benmessaoud.

The governors are seeking the funds to support various projects, including infrastructure development, healthcare, education, and agriculture. The funds are expected to be disbursed over a period of five years.

The World Bank has agreed to consider the governors' request and is expected to make a decision soon. The bank has been a major partner for Nigeria in terms of development financing, and has provided significant support to the country in the past.

It's worth noting that the World Bank has its own set of criteria and procedures for disbursing funds, and the governors' request will need to meet these criteria in order to be approved.