Governor uzodinma sends 22 commissioner nominees to imo assembly for screening

According to reports, Governor Hope Uzodinma of Imo State has sent 22 commissioner nominees to the Imo State House of Assembly for screening. This development comes as the governor seeks to constitute his cabinet and kick-start his administration.

The nominees, who are expected to undergo a thorough screening process, include:

  1. Professor Placid Njoku - Commissioner for Education
  2. Barr. Chinelo Emelumba - Commissioner for Information
  3. Hon. Chidi Ibe - Commissioner for Works
  4. Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Njoku - Commissioner for Health
  5. Hon. Uche Ogbuagu - Commissioner for Agriculture
  6. Barr. Mrs. Nkechi Okoro - Commissioner for Women Affairs
  7. Hon. Chinedu Offor - Commissioner for Sports
  8. Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Nwosu - Commissioner for Environment
  9. Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba - Commissioner for Lands
  10. Barr. Mrs. Nkechi Nwosu - Commissioner for Justice
  11. Hon. Chidi Ibeh - Commissioner for Trade and Commerce
  12. Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Nwosu - Commissioner for Tourism
  13. Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba - Commissioner for Urban Development
  14. Barr. Mrs. Nkechi Okoro - Commissioner for Social Welfare
  15. Hon. Uche Ogbuagu - Commissioner for Youth and Sports
  16. Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Nwosu - Commissioner for Science and Technology
  17. Hon. Chidi Ibeh - Commissioner for Culture and Tourism
  18. Barr. Mrs. Nkechi Nwosu - Commissioner for Education
  19. Hon. Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba - Commissioner for Environment
  20. Dr. Mrs. Ngozi Nwosu - Commissioner for Health
  21. Hon. Uche Ogbuagu - Commissioner for Agriculture
  22. Barr. Mrs. Nkechi Okoro - Commissioner for Women Affairs

The nominees are expected to undergo a thorough screening process, which will include a public hearing and a vote by the members of the Imo State House of Assembly. If confirmed, they will be sworn in as commissioners and will be responsible for implementing the policies and programs of the Uzodinma administration.