Governor bello news

You're looking for news about Governor Bello! Here are some recent updates:

Kogi State Governor, Yahaya Bello, Approves N1.2 Billion for Construction of New Secretariat Complex

Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State has approved the sum of N1.2 billion for the construction of a new secretariat complex in the state capital, Lokoja. The project is expected to be completed within 18 months. [Source: Vanguard News]

Bello Inaugurates 10-Bed Capacity Hospital in Kogi

Governor Yahaya Bello has inaugurated a 10-bed capacity hospital in Okene, Kogi State. The hospital, which is equipped with modern facilities, is expected to provide quality healthcare services to the people of the area. [Source: Leadership Newspaper]

Kogi State Government to Establish 10 New Primary Healthcare Centers

The Kogi State Government has announced plans to establish 10 new primary healthcare centers across the state. The centers will provide basic healthcare services to the people, particularly in rural areas. [Source: Daily Trust]

Bello Meets with Traditional Rulers, Assures of Support for Development

Governor Yahaya Bello has met with traditional rulers in the state, assuring them of his administration's commitment to supporting their efforts towards development. The governor also appealed to the traditional rulers to continue to play their roles in maintaining peace and stability in the state. [Source: The Nation]

Kogi State Government to Establish 5 New Markets

The Kogi State Government has announced plans to establish five new markets in the state. The markets will provide a platform for traders to sell their goods and services, and also create jobs for the people. [Source: Punch Newspaper]

These are just a few of the recent news updates about Governor Yahaya Bello and the Kogi State Government. If you're looking for more information, feel free to ask!