Government news on sowore now

I'm assuming you're referring to Omoyele Sowore, a Nigerian journalist and activist who was arrested in 2019 for allegedly planning a protest against the government.

Here are some recent government news updates on Sowore:

  1. Release of Sowore from DSS custody: On June 24, 2019, the Federal High Court in Abuja ordered the Department of State Services (DSS) to release Sowore from custody. However, the DSS refused to comply with the court order, leading to widespread protests and international condemnation.
  2. Court orders Sowore's release: On July 4, 2019, the Federal High Court in Abuja again ordered the DSS to release Sowore from custody. The court ruled that Sowore's continued detention was unlawful and unconstitutional.
  3. Sowore's trial begins: On July 10, 2019, Sowore's trial began at the Federal High Court in Abuja. He was charged with treason, cyberstalking, and money laundering, among other offenses.
  4. Sowore's lawyers accuse government of intimidation: In August 2019, Sowore's lawyers accused the government of intimidating them and attempting to silence them from defending their client. They alleged that the government was using the trial to silence Sowore and other critics.
  5. Sowore's health concerns: In October 2019, Sowore's lawyers raised concerns about his health, alleging that he was being subjected to inhumane treatment in custody. They claimed that he was being denied medical attention and was suffering from various health issues.
  6. Sowore's continued detention: Despite the court orders and international pressure, Sowore remains in detention. His lawyers have continued to file motions and appeals, but the government has refused to release him.

These are some of the recent government news updates on Sowore. Please note that the situation is constantly evolving, and new developments may have occurred since my knowledge cutoff.