Government audit overhaul nimasa

Here is an overview of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) government audit overhaul:


The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) is a federal agency responsible for the regulation and supervision of maritime activities in Nigeria. However, over the years, the agency has been plagued by allegations of corruption, inefficiency, and mismanagement, leading to a decline in its effectiveness and reputation.

Audit Overhaul

In 2019, the Nigerian government launched an audit overhaul of NIMASA to address these issues and ensure transparency and accountability in the agency's operations. The audit was conducted by the Office of the Auditor-General of the Federation (OAGF) in collaboration with the National Assembly.

Key Findings

The audit report identified several irregularities and anomalies in NIMASA's operations, including:

  1. Misappropriation of funds: The agency was found to have misappropriated millions of naira in funds allocated to it by the government.
  2. Inefficient use of resources: The agency was found to have wasted resources on unnecessary projects and activities, including the construction of a non-functional headquarters building.
  3. Lack of transparency: The agency was found to have failed to provide adequate information on its activities and finances, making it difficult to track its performance and accountability.
  4. Corruption: The agency was found to have been involved in corrupt practices, including the award of contracts to unqualified companies and the payment of kickbacks to officials.


The audit report made several recommendations to address the issues identified, including:

  1. Strengthening internal controls: The agency should strengthen its internal controls to prevent fraud and misappropriation of funds.
  2. Improving transparency and accountability: The agency should provide regular updates on its activities and finances to ensure transparency and accountability.
  3. Enhancing governance: The agency should ensure that its governance structure is strengthened to prevent abuse of power and ensure effective decision-making.
  4. Conducting regular audits: The agency should conduct regular audits to ensure that its operations are transparent and accountable.


The Nigerian government has implemented several measures to address the issues identified in the audit report, including:

  1. Appointment of a new Director-General: The government appointed a new Director-General for NIMASA, who has been tasked with implementing the recommendations of the audit report.
  2. Strengthening internal controls: The agency has strengthened its internal controls to prevent fraud and misappropriation of funds.
  3. Improving transparency and accountability: The agency has improved its transparency and accountability by providing regular updates on its activities and finances.
  4. Enhancing governance: The agency has strengthened its governance structure to prevent abuse of power and ensure effective decision-making.

Overall, the audit overhaul of NIMASA has helped to identify and address the issues plaguing the agency, and has paved the way for its transformation into a more effective and efficient organization.