Gov masari fires education commissioner allow active politician

It appears that you are referring to the recent development in Nigeria where the Governor of Katsina State, Aminu Bello Masari, has sacked the State Commissioner for Education, Dr. Badamasi Lawal.

According to reports, the Governor took this decision due to the Commissioner's alleged involvement in partisan politics, which is against the civil service rules. The Governor is said to have been dissatisfied with the Commissioner's active participation in politics, which he believes is a distraction from his official duties.

It is worth noting that the Governor's action is not unprecedented, as many governors in Nigeria have taken similar steps in the past to address perceived breaches of the civil service code by their appointees.

However, it is also important to recognize that the sacking of the Commissioner has sparked controversy, with some critics arguing that the Governor's decision is an attempt to silence opposition voices in the state. Others have questioned the timing of the sacking, which comes ahead of the 2023 general elections.

Regardless of the motivations behind the Governor's decision, it is clear that the sacking of the Commissioner has sent a strong message about the importance of maintaining a clear separation between politics and the civil service in Nigeria.