Gov diri to fg review 13 derivation fund to bayelsa communities

A very specific and interesting topic!

For those who may not know, "Gov Diri" refers to Douye Diri, the current Governor of Bayelsa State in Nigeria. "FG" stands for Federal Government, which is the central government of Nigeria.

Now, let's dive into the topic:

Derivation Fund: The Derivation Fund is a constitutional provision in Nigeria that allocates a percentage of the country's oil revenue to the oil-producing states. The fund is meant to compensate these states for the environmental and economic impacts of oil exploration and production in their territories.

Review of 13% Derivation Fund to Bayelsa Communities: The 13% Derivation Fund is a significant source of revenue for Bayelsa State, which is one of the oil-producing states in Nigeria. The fund is meant to be distributed to the communities in the state, but there have been concerns about the transparency and accountability in the distribution process.

Governor Douye Diri has been advocating for a review of the 13% Derivation Fund to ensure that more of the fund is allocated to the communities that need it most. He has also been pushing for the implementation of the "13% Derivation Fund (Amendment) Act 2020", which aims to increase the transparency and accountability in the distribution of the fund.

The review of the 13% Derivation Fund is expected to benefit the communities in Bayelsa State by providing them with more resources to develop their infrastructure, improve their livelihoods, and address the environmental and social impacts of oil production in their areas.

Some of the benefits of the review include:

  1. Increased funding for community development projects: The review is expected to provide more funds for community development projects, such as road construction, healthcare facilities, and education infrastructure.
  2. Improved transparency and accountability: The review aims to increase transparency and accountability in the distribution of the fund, ensuring that the funds are used for the intended purposes and benefit the communities that need them most.
  3. Enhanced community engagement: The review is expected to involve more community engagement and participation in the decision-making process, ensuring that the communities have a greater say in how the funds are used.
  4. Increased economic development: The review is expected to stimulate economic development in the communities, creating jobs and opportunities for the local population.

Overall, the review of the 13% Derivation Fund is a positive step towards ensuring that the funds are used to benefit the communities in Bayelsa State, and not just a few individuals or groups.