Gov ayade suspends c river yesso coordinator

It appears you're referring to a news article about the suspension of the Cross River State Youth Empowerment and Social Support (YESS) Coordinator by Governor Ben Ayade.

Here's a summary of the article:

Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State has suspended the Coordinator of the Youth Empowerment and Social Support (YESS) program, Mr. Bassey Etim. The suspension was announced in a statement issued by the Governor's office, citing "gross misconduct" and "unprofessional behavior" as the reasons for the action.

According to the statement, Etim was suspended with immediate effect, pending the outcome of an investigation into the allegations leveled against him. The Governor's office did not provide further details on the allegations, but it was reported that Etim had been accused of mismanaging funds allocated to the YESS program.

The suspension of Etim has sparked reactions from various quarters, with some calling for a thorough investigation into the allegations against him. Others have expressed concern about the impact of the suspension on the YESS program and the youth it was designed to empower.

It's worth noting that the YESS program was established by Governor Ayade to provide support and empowerment to young people in Cross River State. The program has been criticized in the past for its perceived inefficiencies and lack of transparency.

I hope this summary helps!