Gotv news

You're looking for news related to GOTV (Get Out the Vote) efforts! Here are some recent updates:

Recent GOTV News:

  1. Voter Registration Surge: In the United States, voter registration has surged in recent months, with over 2 million new voters registered in the past year alone. This is largely attributed to increased efforts by organizations like the League of Women Voters and the NAACP.
  2. GOTV Campaigns: Many organizations, including the Democratic Party, are launching targeted GOTV campaigns to mobilize voters ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. These campaigns often focus on specific demographics, such as young voters, people of color, and low-income communities.
  3. Voter Suppression Concerns: Unfortunately, voter suppression efforts continue to be a concern in many states. Organizations like the Brennan Center for Justice and the ACLU are working to combat these efforts and ensure that all eligible voters can exercise their right to vote.
  4. Online GOTV Tools: With the rise of social media, online GOTV tools are becoming increasingly important. Platforms like and TurboVote are providing easy ways for voters to register, check their registration status, and get voting reminders.
  5. GOTV in the Workplace: Some companies are taking a proactive approach to GOTV by offering paid time off for employees to vote, hosting voter registration drives, and providing resources to help employees get involved in the electoral process.

Upcoming GOTV Events:

  1. National Voter Registration Day: September 20th, 2022 - This annual event aims to register millions of new voters across the United States.
  2. GOTV Conferences: Various conferences and workshops are being held throughout the year to train volunteers and organizers on effective GOTV strategies and tactics.
  3. Voter Registration Drives: Many organizations are hosting voter registration drives in communities across the country, often in partnership with local businesses, schools, and community centers.

GOTV Resources:

  1. A comprehensive online resource for voting information, registration, and election results.
  2. TurboVote: A free online tool that helps voters stay informed about voting deadlines, requirements, and more.
  3. League of Women Voters: A nonpartisan organization that provides voting information, registration assistance, and election monitoring.
  4. NAACP: A civil rights organization that works to increase voter registration and participation among African Americans and other marginalized communities.

Stay informed and get involved in GOTV efforts in your community!