Gotv new bouquet

You're looking to upgrade your GOTV bouquet!

GOTV (Globacom's Online TV) offers a range of bouquets to cater to different viewing preferences and budgets. Here are some of the popular bouquets:

  1. GOTV Lite: This is the basic bouquet, which costs N1,200 per month. It offers 15 channels, including local and international channels like CNN, BBC, and MTV.
  2. GOTV Value: This bouquet costs N2,500 per month and offers 30 channels, including sports channels like SuperSport and ESPN.
  3. GOTV Plus: This bouquet costs N4,000 per month and offers 50 channels, including more sports channels, movie channels, and international channels like HBO and Showtime.
  4. GOTV Max: This is the premium bouquet, which costs N6,000 per month. It offers 80 channels, including all the channels in the previous bouquets, plus additional channels like Fox, Discovery, and National Geographic.
  5. GOTV Premium: This bouquet costs N8,000 per month and offers 100 channels, including all the channels in the previous bouquets, plus additional channels like Starz, Encore, and Comedy Central.

You can also add additional channels to your bouquet by subscribing to their à la carte channel packages.

Before upgrading your bouquet, consider the following: