Gossip liverpool can bag werner on cheap sancho switch not certain

It seems like you're referring to a potential transfer rumor involving Liverpool FC and two top Bundesliga players, Timo Werner and Jadon Sancho.

According to the rumor, Liverpool might be able to sign Timo Werner from RB Leipzig on a relatively cheap deal if they agree to sell Jadon Sancho to Borussia Dortmund for a lower fee than initially expected.

Here's a breakdown of the rumor:

The rumor suggests that Liverpool might be able to sign Werner for a lower fee if they agree to sell Sancho to Dortmund for a lower fee than initially expected. This could be a win-win situation for both clubs, as Liverpool would get a talented young player in Werner, while Dortmund would get a valuable asset in Sancho.

However, it's worth noting that this is just a rumor, and there's no guarantee that either transfer will happen. Both Werner and Sancho are highly sought-after players, and their transfer fees could be influenced by a variety of factors, including their performances on the pitch and the transfer market conditions.