Gordon ramsay restaurant new york

You're referring to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant in New York City!

Gordon Ramsay at the London NYC is a three-Michelin-starred restaurant located in the heart of Manhattan, at the London NYC hotel. The restaurant is a collaboration between Gordon Ramsay and the hotel's owner, Ian Schrager.

Here are some details about the restaurant:

Cuisine: Modern French-American cuisine with a focus on seasonal ingredients and creative presentation.

Menu: The menu is divided into several sections, including:

Awards and Accolades: Gordon Ramsay at the London NYC has received numerous awards and accolades, including:

Reservations: Reservations are highly recommended, especially on weekends or during peak dining hours. You can book a table online through the restaurant's website or through a reservation platform like OpenTable.

Price Range: The price range for Gordon Ramsay at the London NYC is upscale, with appetizers ranging from $20 to $50, entrees from $40 to $60, and desserts from $15 to $25. The average price per person for a three-course meal is around $150-$200.

Atmosphere: The restaurant has a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere, with a stylish decor that features a mix of modern and classic elements. The dining room is spacious and well-lit, with a large bar area and a private dining room available for special occasions.

Overall, Gordon Ramsay at the London NYC is a world-class dining experience that offers an exceptional culinary journey in the heart of New York City.