Google search console new features

Google Search Console (GSC) is a powerful tool for website owners and SEO professionals to monitor and maintain their website's presence in Google search results. Here are some of the new features and updates in Google Search Console:

  1. New Search Analytics Report: GSC now offers a new Search Analytics report that provides more detailed information about search queries, impressions, clicks, and conversions. This report helps you understand how users interact with your website and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Enhanced URL Inspection Tool: The URL Inspection tool has been updated to provide more detailed information about individual URLs, including crawl errors, mobile usability issues, and structured data issues.
  3. New Mobile-Usability Report: GSC now offers a dedicated Mobile-Usability report that helps you identify and fix mobile usability issues on your website.
  4. Improved Sitemap Submission: GSC has made it easier to submit and manage sitemaps, allowing you to upload multiple sitemaps at once and track their status.
  5. New Structured Data Report: The Structured Data report has been updated to provide more detailed information about structured data issues on your website, including errors and warnings.
  6. Enhanced Crawl Errors Report: The Crawl Errors report has been updated to provide more detailed information about crawl errors, including the ability to filter by error type and URL.
  7. New Security Issues Report: GSC now offers a dedicated Security Issues report that helps you identify and fix security issues on your website, such as malware and phishing attacks.
  8. Improved Search Console API: The Search Console API has been updated to provide more data and functionality, including the ability to retrieve data for multiple properties and users.
  9. New Google Analytics Integration: GSC now integrates with Google Analytics, allowing you to track website traffic and conversions directly from the Search Console.
  10. Enhanced Search Console Notifications: GSC has improved its notification system, providing more detailed information about search console issues and updates.
  11. New Search Console Mobile App: GSC has launched a mobile app for Android and iOS devices, allowing you to monitor and manage your website's search console data on-the-go.
  12. Improved Search Console Help Center: The Search Console Help Center has been updated to provide more detailed information and tutorials on how to use the tool.
  13. New Search Console Support: GSC now offers more detailed support resources, including a support forum and a support team that can help you with any issues you may encounter.
  14. Enhanced Search Console Data: GSC has improved its data collection and processing, providing more accurate and up-to-date information about your website's search console data.
  15. New Search Console Features for E-A-T: GSC has introduced new features to help you improve your website's E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) signals, including a new E-A-T report and guidelines.

These are just a few of the new features and updates in Google Search Console. By leveraging these features, you can improve your website's visibility, drive more traffic and conversions, and stay ahead of the competition.