Google plus community for general news

Here are some popular Google+ communities for general news:

  1. News (1.4M members): A community for discussing current events, news, and politics.
  2. World News (1.2M members): A community for sharing and discussing news from around the world.
  3. Breaking News (1.1M members): A community for sharing and discussing breaking news stories.
  4. News and Current Events (900K members): A community for discussing news, current events, and politics.
  5. General News (700K members): A community for sharing and discussing general news stories.
  6. News Hub (600K members): A community for discussing news, current events, and politics.
  7. The News Room (500K members): A community for sharing and discussing news stories.
  8. Global News (400K members): A community for discussing news from around the world.
  9. News and Politics (300K members): A community for discussing news, politics, and current events.
  10. Current Events (200K members): A community for discussing current events and news.

To join these communities, simply search for the community name on Google+, click on the community, and then click the "Join" button.

Note: The number of members listed above is subject to change and may not be up-to-date.