Google news requirements

Google News is a news aggregator that collects and organizes news articles from thousands of sources worldwide. To be eligible for inclusion in Google News, a news source must meet certain requirements. Here are the main requirements:

  1. News content: The primary focus of the website must be news, with a significant portion of the content being original reporting, analysis, or commentary.
  2. Frequency of updates: The website must be updated regularly, with new content added frequently. The frequency of updates can vary, but Google looks for a minimum of one update per week.
  3. Quality of content: The content must be well-written, informative, and relevant to the topic. Google evaluates the quality of content based on factors such as grammar, spelling, and clarity.
  4. Uniqueness of content: The content must be unique and not duplicated from other sources. Google looks for original reporting, analysis, or commentary that adds value to the reader.
  5. Credibility of the source: The website must be credible and trustworthy. Google evaluates the credibility of the source based on factors such as the reputation of the publication, the expertise of the authors, and the transparency of the reporting.
  6. Language: Google News supports multiple languages, but the primary language of the website must be one of the following: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Russian.
  7. Geographic focus: The website must have a clear geographic focus, such as a specific country, region, or city.
  8. No paywalls: Google News does not index websites with paywalls or subscription-based models that require users to pay for access to content.
  9. No duplicate content: The website must not duplicate content from other sources, including other websites, blogs, or social media platforms.
  10. Compliance with Google's guidelines: The website must comply with Google's guidelines and policies, including those related to copyright, intellectual property, and user-generated content.

To apply for inclusion in Google News, you can submit your website for review through the Google News application form. Google's editorial team will review your website to determine whether it meets the requirements and is eligible for inclusion in the news aggregator.