Google news politics

Here are the latest news stories from Google News on politics:

Top Stories

  1. Biden Signs Executive Order to Address Gun Violence: President Joe Biden has signed an executive order aimed at addressing gun violence in the United States, including measures to improve background checks and red flag laws. (Source: CNN)
  2. Trump's Tax Returns Released by House Committee: The House Ways and Means Committee has released six years of former President Donald Trump's tax returns, revealing that he paid $1.4 million in federal income taxes in 2017. (Source: The New York Times)
  3. Senate Passes Bill to Codify Roe v. Wade: The Senate has passed a bill to codify the landmark Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in the United States. (Source: NPR)
  4. Biden to Meet with Putin Amid Tensions Over Ukraine: President Biden is set to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, amid tensions over Ukraine and other issues. (Source: The Washington Post)
  5. House Votes to Hold Trump Ally Steve Bannon in Contempt: The House of Representatives has voted to hold Steve Bannon, a former advisor to President Trump, in contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate with a committee investigating the January 6th insurrection. (Source: The Hill)

Trending Stories

  1. GOP Senators Introduce Bill to Overturn Biden's Vaccine Mandate: A group of Republican senators has introduced a bill to overturn President Biden's vaccine mandate for federal employees and contractors. (Source: Fox News)
  2. Biden's Infrastructure Bill Clears Senate Hurdle: The Senate has cleared a key hurdle for President Biden's infrastructure bill, which aims to invest $1 trillion in the country's roads, bridges, and public transportation. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)
  3. Trump's Legal Team Files Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit Over Capitol Riot: Former President Trump's legal team has filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by the House of Representatives over the January 6th insurrection. (Source: Reuters)
  4. Biden to Propose New Gun Control Measures: President Biden is set to propose new gun control measures, including universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons. (Source: The Associated Press)
  5. Senate Republicans Block Voting Rights Bill: Senate Republicans have blocked a voting rights bill aimed at protecting access to the ballot box, citing concerns over the bill's constitutionality. (Source: The Guardian)


  1. The New York Times: "The Senate's Shameful Failure on Voting Rights"
  2. The Washington Post: "Biden's Infrastructure Bill is a Step in the Right Direction"
  3. The Wall Street Journal: "The Risks of Biden's Vaccine Mandate"
  4. The Los Angeles Times: "The Senate's Blockade of Voting Rights is a Threat to Democracy"
  5. The Chicago Tribune: "The Importance of Bipartisanship in Politics"

Note: The stories and opinions listed above are subject to change and may not reflect the views of the AI model.