Google news meta tags

Google News meta tags are specific tags that can be added to a webpage's HTML code to help Google News understand the content and structure of the page. These tags can improve the visibility and ranking of your website in Google News search results. Here are some common Google News meta tags:

  1. news_keywords: This tag specifies a list of keywords that describe the content of the page. It's recommended to use a maximum of 10-15 keywords, separated by commas.

Example: <meta name="news_keywords" content="politics, election, president">

  1. news_category: This tag specifies the category of the news article. It can be one of the following values:
    • local: Local news
    • national: National news
    • international: International news
    • sports: Sports news
    • entertainment: Entertainment news
    • business: Business news
    • technology: Technology news
    • health: Health news
    • science: Science news

Example: <meta name="news_category" content="national">

  1. news_language: This tag specifies the language of the news article. It should be a valid ISO 639-1 language code (e.g., en for English, fr for French, etc.).

Example: <meta name="news_language" content="en">

  1. news_pubdate: This tag specifies the publication date of the news article. It should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example: <meta name="news_pubdate" content="2022-07-25">

  1. news_author: This tag specifies the author of the news article.

Example: <meta name="news_author" content="John Doe">

  1. news_title: This tag specifies the title of the news article. It's recommended to use the same title as the <title> tag in the HTML header.

Example: <meta name="news_title" content="Breaking News: President Announces New Policy">

  1. news_description: This tag specifies a brief summary of the news article. It's recommended to use a maximum of 155 characters.

Example: <meta name="news_description" content="President announces new policy to address economic crisis">

Remember to add these meta tags to the <head> section of your webpage's HTML code. It's also important to ensure that your website is properly indexed by Google News by submitting your sitemap and following Google's guidelines for news publishers.