Google news iran

Here are the latest news headlines from Google News about Iran:

Top Stories

  1. Iran's supreme leader says US sanctions are 'economic war' (Al Jazeera) - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the sanctions are an attempt to weaken Iran's economy and people.
  2. Iran's nuclear program: What's at stake? (BBC News) - The US has withdrawn from the Iran nuclear deal, and tensions between Iran and the US have escalated.
  3. Iran's economy struggles under US sanctions (The New York Times) - The sanctions have led to a decline in Iran's currency, inflation, and unemployment.
  4. Iran's Revolutionary Guards launch missile attack on US troops in Iraq (Reuters) - The attack was in response to the US killing of top Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani.
  5. Iran's president says US sanctions are 'economic terrorism' (The Guardian) - Hassan Rouhani says the sanctions are a form of terrorism that is harming ordinary Iranians.


  1. Iran's parliament approves bill to boost uranium enrichment (AP News) - The bill aims to increase uranium enrichment to 20% purity, which is higher than the 3.67% allowed under the nuclear deal.
  2. Iran's supreme leader says US is 'lying' about nuclear program (The Telegraph) - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the US is trying to deceive the world about Iran's nuclear program.
  3. Iran's president says US is 'not honest' about nuclear deal (The Washington Post) - Hassan Rouhani says the US is not living up to its commitments under the nuclear deal.


  1. Iran's currency plummets to record low against US dollar (The Financial Times) - The Iranian rial has lost nearly 70% of its value against the US dollar since the US withdrew from the nuclear deal.
  2. Iran's economy faces 'severe' challenges, says IMF (The Wall Street Journal) - The International Monetary Fund says Iran's economy is facing severe challenges due to US sanctions and a decline in oil exports.
  3. Iran's oil exports decline sharply due to US sanctions (Bloomberg) - Iran's oil exports have declined by nearly 40% since the US withdrew from the nuclear deal.

International Relations

  1. Iran's foreign minister says US is 'not a reliable partner' (The Times of London) - Mohammad Javad Zarif says the US is not a reliable partner and that Iran will not negotiate with the US.
  2. Iran's president says US is 'trying to divide' the Middle East (The Jerusalem Post) - Hassan Rouhani says the US is trying to divide the Middle East and create conflict between countries.
  3. Iran's supreme leader says US is 'enemy of Islam' (The Daily Mail) - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the US is an enemy of Islam and that Iran will not compromise with the US.

These are just a few of the latest news headlines from Google News about Iran.