Google news initiative training

The Google News Initiative (GNI) Training is a program designed to help news organizations and journalists develop the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the digital age. The training is offered by Google and is focused on topics such as digital journalism, online publishing, and audience engagement.

Here are some of the key areas that the GNI Training covers:

  1. Digital Journalism: This module covers the basics of digital journalism, including how to write for the web, how to use social media, and how to create engaging online content.
  2. Online Publishing: This module covers the technical aspects of online publishing, including how to use content management systems, how to optimize content for search engines, and how to create a mobile-friendly website.
  3. Audience Engagement: This module covers how to build and engage with online audiences, including how to use social media, how to create email newsletters, and how to use analytics to track audience behavior.
  4. Data Journalism: This module covers the basics of data journalism, including how to collect and analyze data, how to create interactive visualizations, and how to tell data-driven stories.
  5. Fact-Checking: This module covers the importance of fact-checking in journalism, including how to verify information, how to use fact-checking tools, and how to create fact-checking reports.
  6. Digital Security: This module covers the importance of digital security for journalists, including how to protect personal data, how to use secure communication tools, and how to avoid online harassment.
  7. Innovation: This module covers innovative approaches to journalism, including how to use artificial intelligence, how to create virtual reality experiences, and how to use blockchain technology.

The GNI Training is designed to be flexible and can be tailored to the specific needs of each news organization. The training is typically delivered through a combination of online and in-person sessions, and is led by experienced trainers and journalists.

Some of the benefits of the GNI Training include:

Overall, the GNI Training is a valuable resource for news organizations and journalists looking to stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly changing media landscape.