Google news initiative team

The Google News Initiative (GNI) is a global effort by Google to support the news industry and promote high-quality journalism. The GNI team is a group of professionals who work together to develop and implement initiatives that benefit the news industry and the public.

The GNI team is responsible for:

  1. Developing and implementing initiatives to support the news industry, such as the Google News Initiative's Journalism Emergency Relief Fund, which provides financial support to news organizations affected by natural disasters or other crises.
  2. Collaborating with news organizations and other stakeholders to develop and implement innovative solutions to support the news industry, such as the Google News Showcase, which provides a new way for news organizations to showcase their content and connect with readers.
  3. Providing training and resources to help news organizations improve their digital skills and adapt to the changing media landscape.
  4. Conducting research and analysis to better understand the challenges facing the news industry and identify opportunities for innovation and growth.
  5. Advocating for policies and practices that support the news industry and promote high-quality journalism.

The GNI team is composed of professionals with a range of backgrounds and expertise, including:

  1. Journalists and editors with experience in the news industry.
  2. Digital media experts with knowledge of the latest trends and technologies.
  3. Researchers and analysts with expertise in media and journalism.
  4. Policy experts with knowledge of the regulatory environment and advocacy strategies.
  5. Program managers with experience in developing and implementing initiatives.

Some of the key members of the GNI team include:

  1. Richard Gingras, Director of the Google News Initiative.
  2. Brad Bender, Director of Product Management for Google News.
  3. Cecilia Muñoz, Director of Public Policy for Google.
  4. Sajjad Khan, Director of the Google News Initiative's Journalism Emergency Relief Fund.
  5. Emily Bell, Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, who serves as an advisor to the GNI team.

The GNI team is based in Google's offices in Mountain View, California, and works closely with news organizations and other stakeholders around the world.