Google news india ndtv

Here are the latest news headlines from Google News India and NDTV:

Google News India:

  1. India's COVID-19 cases surge past 2.5 million mark: India's COVID-19 cases have surged past the 2.5 million mark, with 55,000 new cases reported in the last 24 hours. (Source: The Hindu)
  2. Farmers' protest: Centre, farmers' unions to hold talks today: The Centre and farmers' unions will hold talks today to resolve the ongoing farmers' protest against the new farm laws. (Source: The Indian Express)
  3. India's economy contracts by 7.3% in Q1: India's economy contracted by 7.3% in the first quarter of the current fiscal year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Business Standard)
  4. Delhi govt to launch doorstep delivery of ration scheme: The Delhi government will launch a doorstep delivery of ration scheme for the poor and vulnerable sections of society. (Source: The Times of India)
  5. India's COVID-19 recovery rate improves to 74.8%: India's COVID-19 recovery rate has improved to 74.8%, with 1.43 lakh patients recovering in the last 24 hours. (Source: PTI)


  1. Farmers' Protest: Centre, Unions to Hold Talks Today, But No Solution in Sight: The Centre and farmers' unions will hold talks today to resolve the ongoing farmers' protest, but no solution is expected to emerge. (Source: NDTV)
  2. India's COVID-19 Cases Surge Past 2.5 Million Mark, 55,000 New Cases in 24 Hours: India's COVID-19 cases have surged past the 2.5 million mark, with 55,000 new cases reported in the last 24 hours. (Source: NDTV)
  3. Delhi Government to Launch Doorstep Delivery of Ration Scheme for Poor: The Delhi government will launch a doorstep delivery of ration scheme for the poor and vulnerable sections of society. (Source: NDTV)
  4. India's Economy Contracts by 7.3% in Q1, Worst Performance in 11 Years: India's economy contracted by 7.3% in the first quarter of the current fiscal year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: NDTV)
  5. India's COVID-19 Recovery Rate Improves to 74.8%, 1.43 Lakh Patients Recover in 24 Hours: India's COVID-19 recovery rate has improved to 74.8%, with 1.43 lakh patients recovering in the last 24 hours. (Source: NDTV)

Please note that these are just some of the latest news headlines from Google News India and NDTV, and may not reflect the full range of news and opinions available on these platforms.