Google news forum

The Google News Forum is a platform where users can discuss and share news articles, as well as provide feedback and suggestions to improve the Google News experience. Here are some key features and topics that are commonly discussed on the Google News Forum:


  1. Article suggestions: Users can suggest articles they think should be included in Google News, and provide feedback on existing articles.
  2. News sources: Users can discuss and rate news sources, helping to improve the quality and diversity of news coverage in Google News.
  3. Search and filtering: Users can provide feedback on the search and filtering features of Google News, helping to improve the user experience.
  4. Mobile app: Users can discuss issues and provide feedback on the Google News mobile app.


  1. News coverage: Users can discuss specific news stories, events, and topics, and provide feedback on the coverage provided by Google News.
  2. Algorithm changes: Users can discuss changes to the Google News algorithm, and how they affect the types of articles and sources that are displayed.
  3. News bias: Users can discuss concerns about bias in news coverage, and how Google News can help to promote more balanced and diverse reporting.
  4. Google News partnerships: Users can discuss partnerships between Google News and other news organizations, and how they can help to promote high-quality journalism.


  1. Improved news coverage: By providing feedback and suggestions, users can help to improve the quality and diversity of news coverage in Google News.
  2. Better search results: By discussing search and filtering features, users can help to improve the relevance and accuracy of search results in Google News.
  3. Increased transparency: By engaging with the Google News Forum, users can gain a better understanding of how Google News works, and how it can be improved.
  4. Community engagement: The Google News Forum provides a platform for users to connect with each other, share their perspectives, and discuss important news and issues.

How to participate:

  1. Create an account: To participate in the Google News Forum, you'll need to create an account using your Google account.
  2. Search for topics: Use the search bar to find topics and discussions that interest you.
  3. Post a comment: Share your thoughts and opinions by posting a comment on a topic or discussion.
  4. Start a new topic: If you have a specific question or concern, you can start a new topic to discuss it with other users.

Overall, the Google News Forum is a valuable resource for users who want to engage with Google News, provide feedback, and help to improve the quality and diversity of news coverage.