Google news editors picks plugin

You're looking for a plugin that allows you to display Google News Editors' Picks on your website!

Here are a few options:

  1. Google News RSS Feed Plugin: This plugin allows you to display Google News RSS feeds on your website. You can customize the feed to show Editors' Picks, Top Stories, or other categories. Available for WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
  2. Google News API Plugin: This plugin uses the Google News API to fetch and display Editors' Picks on your website. You'll need to obtain an API key from Google and set it up in the plugin. Available for WordPress and Joomla.
  3. News API Plugin: This plugin aggregates news from various sources, including Google News, and allows you to customize the feed to show Editors' Picks. Available for WordPress and Joomla.
  4. Google Custom Search News Plugin: This plugin uses Google Custom Search to fetch and display news articles, including Editors' Picks. You'll need to set up a custom search engine and obtain a search API key. Available for WordPress and Joomla.

Before choosing a plugin, consider the following factors:

Remember to always check the plugin's documentation and reviews before installing it on your website.