Google news browser

You're looking for a browser that aggregates news from Google News!

Here are a few options:

  1. Google News: You can access Google News directly from the Google homepage or by visiting It aggregates news articles from thousands of sources worldwide, organized by topic and location.
  2. Google News & Weather: This is a Chrome extension that brings Google News and weather forecasts to your browser. It's a great way to stay informed about current events and weather conditions.
  3. Newsify: Newsify is a Chrome extension that aggregates news from various sources, including Google News. It allows you to customize your news feed, save articles for later, and even read news offline.
  4. Inoreader: Inoreader is a news aggregator that allows you to customize your news feed by adding or removing sources. It also has features like article summaries, news categorization, and the ability to save articles for later.
  5. Feedbro: Feedbro is a Chrome extension that aggregates news from various sources, including Google News. It allows you to customize your news feed, save articles for later, and even read news offline.

These are just a few examples of browsers and extensions that aggregate news from Google News. You can explore more options by searching for "Google News browser" or "news aggregator" in your favorite search engine!