Google news api for android

The Google News API!

The Google News API is a powerful tool that allows you to access a vast amount of news articles and information from various sources. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the Google News API for Android:


  1. Create a Google Cloud account and enable the Google News API.
  2. Set up a project in the Google Cloud Console and create credentials (OAuth client ID).
  3. Install the Google News API library for Android (see below).

Step 1: Set up the Google News API library for Android

You can use the Google News API library for Android, which is available on GitHub. Follow these steps:

  1. Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:
    dependencies {
     implementation ''
  2. Import the library in your Android project:

    Step 2: Initialize the Google News API client

Create a NewsstandClient instance and initialize it with your API key:

NewsstandClient client = new NewsstandClient(this, "YOUR_API_KEY");

Step 3: Search for news articles

Use the NewsstandClient instance to search for news articles. You can specify various parameters such as query, language, and date range:

NewsstandApi newsstandApi = client.getNewsstandApi();
NewsstandSearchRequest request = new NewsstandSearchRequest.Builder()

NewsstandSearchResponse response =;

Step 4: Parse the search results

The NewsstandSearchResponse object contains a list of NewsstandArticle objects, which contain information about each news article. You can parse the results and display them in your Android app:

List<NewsstandArticle> articles = response.getArticles();
for (NewsstandArticle article : articles) {
    Log.d("Newsstand", article.getTitle() + " - " + article.getPublication());

Additional tips:

By following these steps, you should be able to integrate the Google News API into your Android app and start fetching news articles!