Google news aggregator

Here are some popular Google News aggregators that can help you stay up-to-date with the latest news from around the world:

  1. Google News: The official Google News aggregator, which aggregates news articles from thousands of sources worldwide.
  2. NewsBlur: A popular RSS-based news aggregator that allows you to customize your news feed with topics, sources, and keywords.
  3. Feedly: A news aggregator that allows you to subscribe to your favorite news sources and customize your feed with topics, sources, and keywords.
  4. Inoreader: A news aggregator that allows you to customize your feed with topics, sources, and keywords, and also offers features like article summarization and translation.
  5. The Old Reader: A simple and easy-to-use news aggregator that allows you to subscribe to your favorite news sources and customize your feed with topics and keywords.
  6. News360: A news aggregator that uses AI to personalize your news feed based on your interests and preferences.
  7. Apple News: A news aggregator app for iOS devices that aggregates news articles from a variety of sources, including top news outlets and local publications.
  8. Flipboard: A news aggregator app that allows you to customize your feed with topics, sources, and keywords, and also offers features like article summarization and translation.
  9. Newsify: A news aggregator app that allows you to customize your feed with topics, sources, and keywords, and also offers features like article summarization and translation.
  10. Tinyletter: A news aggregator that allows you to subscribe to your favorite news sources and receive daily or weekly newsletters with the latest news.

These are just a few examples of Google News aggregators. You can try out a few to see which one works best for you!