Google maps new logo

You're referring to the recent redesign of the Google Maps logo!

In September 2020, Google introduced a new logo for Google Maps, which marks a significant departure from the classic design that has been in use since 2005. Here's a breakdown of the changes:

Old logo (2005-2020):

The previous logo featured a stylized "M" made up of blue and red lines, with a subtle nod to the concept of mapping and navigation.

New logo (2020-present):

The new logo is a more minimalist and modern design, featuring a simple, bold, and colorful "M" made up of three lines:

  1. A blue line (representing the sky and the infinite possibilities of exploration)
  2. A yellow line (symbolizing the sun and the warmth of human connection)
  3. A red line (representing the passion and energy of discovery)

The new logo is designed to be more versatile and adaptable across various platforms, including mobile devices, web, and print. The design is also optimized for accessibility, with a focus on simplicity and readability.

Design philosophy:

According to Google, the new logo is meant to evoke a sense of adventure, exploration, and connection. The design team aimed to create a logo that would appeal to a broader audience, while still maintaining the brand's identity and recognition.


The new logo has received mixed reactions from the public, with some praising the modern and bold design, while others lament the loss of the classic "M" shape. Some have also noted that the new logo may be more difficult to recognize at a glance, particularly for those who are not familiar with the brand.

Overall, the new Google Maps logo represents a significant evolution in the brand's visual identity, and it will be interesting to see how it is received by users and critics alike.