Google chrome keeps opening new tabs

That's frustrating! There are several reasons why Google Chrome might be opening new tabs unexpectedly. Let's troubleshoot together to find the cause and fix the issue.

Possible causes:

  1. Extensions: Malfunctioning or buggy extensions can cause Chrome to open new tabs.
  2. Background apps: Some apps might be running in the background and opening new tabs.
  3. Cookies: Cookies can sometimes cause Chrome to open new tabs.
  4. Settings: Chrome settings might be configured to open new tabs automatically.
  5. Malware: In rare cases, malware can cause Chrome to open new tabs.

Troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check for extensions: Go to Chrome's extensions page (chrome://extensions/) and disable all extensions. Then, restart Chrome and see if the issue persists. If not, re-enable extensions one by one to identify the problematic one.
  2. Check for background apps: Go to Chrome's settings (chrome://settings/) and click on "Advanced" > "System". Look for any apps listed under "Background apps" and disable them.
  3. Clear cookies: Clear your browser cookies and site data. Go to Chrome's settings (chrome://settings/) and click on "Privacy and security" > "Cookies and other site data". Click "Clear data" and confirm.
  4. Check Chrome settings: Go to Chrome's settings (chrome://settings/) and look for any settings that might be causing the issue. Check the "On startup" and "New tab" sections to see if any settings are configured to open new tabs.
  5. Run a virus scan: Run a full scan with your antivirus software to ensure your system is free from malware.
  6. Reset Chrome settings: Reset Chrome's settings to their default values. Go to Chrome's settings (chrome://settings/) and click on "Advanced" > "Reset and clean up Google Chrome". Confirm the reset.
  7. Update Chrome: Make sure you're running the latest version of Chrome. Go to Chrome's settings (chrome://settings/) and click on "About Google Chrome" to check for updates.

Additional tips:

I hope these steps help you resolve the issue with Google Chrome opening new tabs unexpectedly!