Google analytics add new site

To add a new site to Google Analytics, follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign in to your Google Analytics account

  1. Go to and sign in with your Google account credentials.
  2. If you have multiple accounts, select the account you want to add the new site to.

Step 2: Create a new property

  1. Click on the "Admin" button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
  2. Click on "Create Property" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select "Website" as the property type.
  4. Enter a name for your property (e.g., "My New Site").
  5. Enter the URL of your new site (e.g., "").
  6. Click "Create" to create the new property.

Step 3: Set up the tracking code

  1. Once the property is created, you'll see a screen with the tracking code.
  2. Copy the tracking code (it should look something like UA-XXXXX-X).
  3. Add the tracking code to every page of your new site. You can do this by:
    • Adding the code to the <head> section of your website's HTML file.
    • Using a website builder or CMS (like WordPress) to add the code to your site.
    • Using a tag manager (like Google Tag Manager) to manage your tracking codes.

Step 4: Verify the tracking code

  1. Go back to your Google Analytics account and click on the "Admin" button.
  2. Click on "Properties" and then select the new property you created.
  3. Click on "Tracking Info" and then "Tracking Code".
  4. Verify that the tracking code is installed correctly by checking the "Tracking Code Status" section.

Step 5: Set up goals and events (optional)

  1. If you want to track specific actions on your site (like form submissions or button clicks), you can set up goals and events.
  2. Go to the "Admin" section and click on "Goals" or "Events" to set up your goals and events.

That's it! Your new site should now be set up in Google Analytics.