Goodnight message for new friend

Here are some goodnight message ideas for a new friend:

  1. "Goodnight, new friend! It was great getting to know you today. Sweet dreams!"
  2. "Nighty night! I'm so glad we met and I'm looking forward to our next chat. Sleep tight!"
  3. "Goodnight, friend! I hope you had as much fun as I did today. Let's catch up again soon."
  4. "Sweet dreams, new friend! I'm so glad we connected. Can't wait to hear from you again soon."
  5. "Night, new friend! It's been a pleasure getting to know you. May your dreams be sweet and your rest be refreshing."
  6. "Goodnight, friend! I hope you're doing well and that tomorrow brings you joy. Take care and talk to you soon!"
  7. "Nighty night, new friend! I'm so grateful for our conversation today. May your sleep be peaceful and your heart be light."
  8. "Goodnight, friend! I'm looking forward to our next conversation. Sweet dreams and take care!"
  9. "Night, new friend! It's been a pleasure making your acquaintance. May your dreams be filled with happiness and your rest be rejuvenating."
  10. "Goodnight, friend! I hope you have a wonderful night's sleep and that tomorrow brings you all the best. Take care and talk to you soon!"

Remember to keep your message friendly, polite, and respectful, and to adjust it to fit your personal style and the tone of your conversation.