Goodluck ebele jonathan news

You're referring to Goodluck Jonathan, the former President of Nigeria!

Here are some recent news updates about him:

  1. Return to politics: In 2020, Goodluck Jonathan announced his return to politics, saying he would contest for the presidency in the 2023 elections. However, he later withdrew from the race, citing the need to focus on his foundation's work.
  2. Election observer: In 2020, Jonathan was appointed as the chairman of the Commonwealth Observer Group for the Gambian presidential election. He led a team of observers to monitor the election and submit a report to the Commonwealth Secretary-General.
  3. African Union: In 2020, Jonathan was appointed as the African Union's Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa, with a focus on resolving conflicts in the region.
  4. Book release: In 2020, Jonathan released his autobiography, "My Transition Hours," which details his experiences as President of Nigeria and his transition from office.
  5. Foundation work: Jonathan's foundation, the Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, continues to work on various projects, including education, healthcare, and economic empowerment initiatives.

These are just a few updates on Goodluck Jonathan's recent activities. If you're looking for more information, feel free to ask!