Good night message to a new female friend

Here are a few ideas for good night messages to a new female friend:

  1. "Sweet dreams, new friend! It was great getting to know you today. Can't wait to catch up again soon."
  2. "Nighty night! I'm so glad we met and I'm looking forward to our next adventure together."
  3. "Wishing you a peaceful night's sleep and a bright tomorrow. Thanks for being an amazing friend!"
  4. "Goodnight, lovely! It was great chatting with you today. Let's do it again soon."
  5. "Sweet dreams, friend! I'm so grateful for our new friendship and can't wait to see what the future holds for us."
  6. "Night, night! I hope you're doing well and that tomorrow brings you joy and happiness. Thanks for being an awesome friend."
  7. "Wishing you a restful night and a wonderful tomorrow. You're an amazing person and I'm so glad we met."
  8. "Goodnight, friend! I hope you're having a great day and that tomorrow is just as wonderful. Thanks for being such a great friend."
  9. "Sweet dreams, new friend! I'm so glad we met and I'm looking forward to our next adventure together."
  10. "Night, night! I hope you're doing well and that tomorrow brings you joy and happiness. Thanks for being an awesome friend."

Remember to keep your message friendly and casual, and to avoid anything that might be perceived as too personal or forward. The goal is to be kind and friendly, while also respecting your friend's boundaries and personal space.