Good news website

Here are some popular good news websites that you might find inspiring and uplifting:

  1. Good News Network: A website dedicated to sharing positive news stories from around the world.
  2. Positive News: A UK-based online magazine that focuses on reporting good news and inspiring stories.
  3. The Optimist Daily: A website that curates positive news stories and inspiring stories from around the world.
  4. HuffPost Good News: A section of the popular news website HuffPost that focuses on sharing positive and uplifting news stories.
  5. Good Morning America's Good News: A section of the ABC News website that shares inspiring and uplifting news stories.
  6. The Better India: A website that shares positive news stories and inspiring stories from India and around the world.
  7. News for Good: A website that aggregates positive news stories and inspiring stories from around the world.
  8. The Good News Network (Australia): A website that shares positive news stories and inspiring stories from Australia and around the world.
  9. Positive Vibes Only: A website that shares positive news stories, inspiring stories, and uplifting content.
  10. Good News Today: A website that shares positive news stories and inspiring stories from around the world.

These websites are a great way to stay informed about the good things happening in the world, and to get a more balanced view of current events.