Good news uk

Here are some recent good news stories from the UK:

  1. Record number of people in work: The UK has seen a record number of people in work, with 32.7 million people employed as of January 2023. (Source: Office for National Statistics)
  2. Cancer survival rates improve: Cancer survival rates in the UK have improved significantly over the past decade, with 2-year survival rates increasing from 50% to 55%. (Source: Cancer Research UK)
  3. New hospital opens in London: A new hospital, the Royal London Hospital, has opened in Whitechapel, London, providing state-of-the-art facilities and services to patients. (Source: Barts Health NHS Trust)
  4. UK's first all-female fire crew: The UK's first all-female fire crew has been established in London, marking a significant milestone for women in the fire service. (Source: London Fire Brigade)
  5. Record number of students accepted to university: A record number of students have been accepted to university in the UK, with over 400,000 students offered a place. (Source: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service)
  6. New mental health support service launched: A new mental health support service, the NHS 111 online service, has been launched to provide 24/7 support to people in crisis. (Source: NHS)
  7. UK's first vegan school meal service: A UK school has launched the country's first vegan school meal service, offering plant-based meals to students. (Source: The Vegan Society)
  8. Record number of people volunteering: A record number of people in the UK are volunteering, with over 20 million people giving their time to help others. (Source: National Council for Voluntary Organisations)
  9. New green spaces created in London: A new network of green spaces has been created in London, providing more areas for people to relax and enjoy nature. (Source: London Borough of Hackney)
  10. UK's first all-electric ambulance fleet: The UK's first all-electric ambulance fleet has been launched in London, reducing emissions and improving air quality. (Source: London Ambulance Service)

These are just a few examples of the many positive stories happening in the UK. I hope they bring a smile to your face!