Good news story ofnoah in genesis 18

I think there may be some confusion! The story of Noah is actually found in Genesis 6-9, not Genesis 18.

However, Genesis 18 does contain a wonderful story of good news, which is the announcement of the birth of a son to Abraham and Sarah, a miraculous promise from God. Here's a brief summary:

In Genesis 18:1-15, the Lord appears to Abraham as three men (who are later revealed to be the Lord and two angels) under the oak tree of Mamre. Abraham shows them hospitality, and they sit down to eat. The Lord announces that Sarah, who is 90 years old and barren, will have a son within a year. Abraham is skeptical, but the Lord reassures him that Sarah will have a son, and that he will name him Isaac (which means "laughter").

This story is significant because it shows God's faithfulness to His promises and His ability to do the impossible. Despite Abraham and Sarah's advanced age and lack of children, God promises them a son, and He fulfills that promise. This story is a beautiful example of God's goodness, mercy, and faithfulness.

So, while it's not the story of Noah, Genesis 18 does contain a wonderful story of good news and God's miraculous promises!