Good news rise up and build

What a powerful and uplifting phrase! "Good news, rise up and build" is a message of hope and encouragement, reminding us that even in the midst of challenges, there is always a way forward.

In the Bible, this phrase is taken from the book of Nehemiah, where the prophet Nehemiah is rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. Despite the obstacles and opposition they faced, the people of God were called to rise up and build, to restore and renew their city and their lives.

Similarly, when we face challenges in our own lives, we can draw inspiration from this phrase. We can choose to rise up and build, to overcome obstacles and create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.

Here are a few ways we can apply this message to our lives:

  1. Face your fears: When we're faced with a challenge, it's natural to feel afraid or uncertain. But instead of letting fear hold us back, we can choose to rise up and face it head-on.
  2. Build on what's good: Instead of focusing on what's broken or wrong, we can focus on what's good and build on that. This helps us to stay positive and motivated.
  3. Seek support: We don't have to do it alone! We can seek support from others, whether it's a friend, family member, or mentor, to help us rise up and build.
  4. Take small steps: Building something new or overcoming a challenge can feel overwhelming. But instead of trying to tackle everything at once, we can take small steps and build momentum.
  5. Celebrate progress: Finally, we can celebrate our progress and the small victories along the way. This helps us to stay motivated and encouraged to keep rising up and building.

So, what's the good news? The good news is that we have the power to rise up and build, to overcome challenges and create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.