Good news bible quiz

Here are 10 good news Bible quiz questions:

  1. What is the name of the angel who announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds in Luke 2:13? a) Gabriel b) Michael c) Raphael d) Uriel

Answer: a) Gabriel

  1. Which book of the Bible is often referred to as the "Good News" book? a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke d) John

Answer: c) Luke

  1. Who was the first person to hear the Good News of Jesus' resurrection? a) Mary Magdalene b) Peter c) John d) Thomas

Answer: a) Mary Magdalene

  1. What is the name of the city where Jesus preached the Good News to the crowds? a) Jerusalem b) Nazareth c) Capernaum d) Bethlehem

Answer: c) Capernaum

  1. Who was the first Gentile (non-Jew) to hear the Good News of Jesus? a) Cornelius b) Lydia c) Philip d) Saul

Answer: a) Cornelius

  1. What is the name of the book of the Bible that is often referred to as the "Good News" book of the Old Testament? a) Isaiah b) Jeremiah c) Ezekiel d) Jonah

Answer: d) Jonah

  1. Who was the apostle who wrote the book of 1 Corinthians, which is often referred to as the "Good News" letter? a) Paul b) Peter c) John d) James

Answer: a) Paul

  1. What is the name of the city where Jesus preached the Good News to the Samaritan woman at the well? a) Jerusalem b) Nazareth c) Capernaum d) Sychar

Answer: d) Sychar

  1. Who was the first person to hear the Good News of Jesus' death and resurrection? a) Peter b) John c) Mary Magdalene d) Thomas

Answer: c) Mary Magdalene

  1. What is the name of the book of the Bible that is often referred to as the "Good News" book of the New Testament? a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke d) John

Answer: c) Luke

I hope you enjoy these questions!