Good news bible catholic edition pdf

The Good News Bible, also known as the Good News Translation (GNT), is a popular Bible translation that is widely used by Catholics and other Christians. Here are a few options for downloading a PDF copy of the Good News Bible, Catholic Edition:

  1. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB): The USCCB offers a free PDF download of the Good News Bible, Catholic Edition, on their website. You can access it by visiting their website and searching for "Good News Bible" in their online store.
  2. American Bible Society: The American Bible Society also offers a free PDF download of the Good News Bible, Catholic Edition, on their website. You can access it by visiting their website and searching for "Good News Bible" in their online store.
  3. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway, a popular online Bible study platform, offers a free PDF download of the Good News Bible, Catholic Edition, on their website. You can access it by visiting their website and searching for "Good News Bible" in their online store.
  4. Amazon: You can also purchase a physical copy of the Good News Bible, Catholic Edition, on Amazon and download a PDF copy from the book's product page.

Here are the links to the PDF downloads:

Please note that these links may be subject to change, and it's always a good idea to verify the authenticity of the PDF download before using it.