Good news bible audio

Here are some popular Good News Bible audio resources:

  1. Good News Bible Audio Book: This is a free audio book version of the Good News Bible, available on the Bible Gateway website.
  2. Good News Bible App: The Good News Bible app (available for iOS and Android) offers audio recordings of the Bible in various languages, including English, Spanish, French, and more.
  3. YouVersion: YouVersion is a popular Bible app that offers audio recordings of the Bible, including the Good News Bible. You can choose from various translations and languages.
  4. Bible Gateway Audio: Bible Gateway offers audio recordings of the Good News Bible, as well as other translations, on their website.
  5. Christian Audio: Christian Audio offers a free audio version of the Good News Bible, as well as other Christian books and devotionals.
  6. offers a free audio version of the Good News Bible, as well as other Christian resources and devotionals.
  7. is a website that offers audio recordings of the Bible in various languages, including the Good News Bible.
  8. Faith Comes by Hearing: Faith Comes by Hearing is a non-profit organization that offers audio recordings of the Bible in various languages, including the Good News Bible.

These are just a few examples of Good News Bible audio resources available online. You can also search for "Good News Bible audio" or "Good News Bible MP3" to find more resources.