Goku limit breaker light up

You're referring to the iconic "Limit Breaker" pose of Goku from the Dragon Ball Z series!

In the anime, when Goku reaches his Limit Breaker state, his aura and ki (life energy) surge to incredible levels, causing his body to glow with a bright, intense light. This is often accompanied by a dramatic increase in his power and speed.

The Limit Breaker pose is a visual representation of Goku's incredible strength and determination, as he pushes his body to its limits to achieve his goals. It's a symbol of his unwavering spirit and unrelenting drive to protect his friends and the world from harm.

In the anime, Goku's Limit Breaker state is often triggered by intense battles or emotional moments, where he draws upon his inner strength and determination to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.

The Limit Breaker pose has become an iconic image in the world of Dragon Ball Z, symbolizing Goku's incredible power and unwavering dedication to his friends and the world.