Godwin obaseki on the news

Godwin Obaseki is a Nigerian politician who has been in the news several times due to various reasons. Here are a few instances:

  1. Governorship Election in Edo State: In 2016, Obaseki, who was then the Chairman of the Edo State Economic and Strategy Team, contested the governorship election in Edo State and won. He defeated the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Tony Anenih, and was sworn in as the Governor of Edo State.
  2. Re-election Bid: In 2020, Obaseki sought re-election as the Governor of Edo State. However, he was initially disqualified by the APC from contesting the party's primary election due to alleged certificate forgery. He later defected to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and won the party's primary election. He went on to win the governorship election, defeating his APC rival, Osagie Ize-Iyamu.
  3. Certificate Forgery Allegations: Obaseki has been embroiled in a controversy over alleged certificate forgery. In 2020, the APC accused him of forging his university certificate, which he claimed was from the University of Ibadan. The controversy led to his disqualification from the APC primary election.
  4. Economic Development in Edo State: Obaseki has been praised for his efforts to develop the economy of Edo State. He has implemented various initiatives aimed at promoting agriculture, infrastructure development, and job creation. He has also been credited with improving the state's revenue generation and reducing its debt profile.
  5. Coronavirus Pandemic Response: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Obaseki was praised for his swift response to the crisis. He implemented various measures to contain the spread of the virus, including lockdowns, social distancing, and testing.

These are just a few instances of Godwin Obaseki being in the news. As a public figure, he is often in the spotlight due to his role as Governor of Edo State and his efforts to develop the state's economy and infrastructure.