Godfathers and godsons at logger head the nation news

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a headline that mentions a conflict between godfathers and godsons, with the implication that this conflict is affecting the nation.

Here's a possible interpretation of the headline:

"Godfathers and Godsons at Loggerheads: Nation in Turmoil"

In this scenario, the godfathers and godsons in question are likely referring to powerful individuals or groups who have a significant influence over the nation. The term "godfathers" can imply a sense of mentorship or patronage, while "godsons" can imply a sense of loyalty or obligation.

The phrase "at loggerheads" suggests that these godfathers and godsons are in a state of intense conflict or disagreement, which is having a profound impact on the nation. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as political differences, ideological disagreements, or even personal vendettas.

The use of the word "nation" in the headline implies that the conflict is not just limited to a small group of individuals, but is having far-reaching consequences that affect the entire country. This could include economic instability, social unrest, or even political instability.

Overall, the headline suggests that the conflict between godfathers and godsons is a major news story that is capturing the attention of the nation and potentially having significant consequences for the country's future.